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I primarily use film photography as a tool to capture the elusive qualities of sunlight along with the temporalities and significance of flowers, plants and nature. Particularly using a Diana Mini, which allows double exposures, light leaks, and serene accidents, or using an Instax camera to create polaroids filled with visual poetry. All images are usually taken within a domestic space (my bedroom, as a safe sanctuary) and captured in a way that transforms the energy into something ethereal and magical. I have thrived and shrivelled in the privacy of my own home, connecting and comparing myself to the likeliness of flowers brought in from the outside world. A way to connect myself to nature and absorb in its other-worldly qualities without having to leave. This has been incredibly important to find peace inside when times have been physically and mentally difficult for me to leave. A shelter from misogyny, discrimination and a way to reclaim my own body and mind. Seeing the images as absent self-portraits, they have elements of me within them, a reflection of my own personal growth and hope.


I also create responsive drawings, and diary entries whilst shooting in an almost spiritual manner. The sunlight shines into my home and casts dark blurry shadows, with golden light dancing across the rest of the room. Petals injected with colour or dried pale fall and form little boats of shadow. The placement of these flowers move as the sun moves, or as I meditate with them on my skin, on my walls, in my diaries, and captured in film. 


My work explores themes of life, death, love, loneliness, grief and bliss through a sense of escapism when the sunlight shines in and I become alive. I aim to evoke a sense of serenity and calmness to the viewer through the use of colour, light and aesthetic qualities that film photography allows me to create, to which no other medium would. My perception of the world has changed since using these methods, and I am encouraged to continue to create and share these special moments with everyone else.


Everything eventually fades away… but noticing it, remembering it, capturing it, living it, makes it all very real. 


2017-2020 Manchester School Of Art 

2014-2017 Franklin Sixth Form College

Based In: 

North East Lincolnshire 

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